Written by : Ms. Panprach Waiwong, BBA#23
The Self-Pitch Masterclass activity was held on 27 March 2021 via zoom meeting exclusively for the 1st and 2nd year BBA students. The activity is structured into two sections:
A self-pitch workshop that was lead by professionals from BASE PLAYHOUSE, an organization that provides various modern business solution classes, to discuss unique and effective ways to present yourself during interviews. This section also allows students to participate in the workshop as well.
A mock interview session held by the 3rd and 4th year students who are highhly experienced with interviews and activities. Participants will be able to receive valuable feedbacks from their seniors after the interview so that they can fully learn and make improvements from this experience.
By the end of this activity, participants will have learnt more about how to understand themselves and their audience; including how to identify what to strengthen and what to fix, how to showcase their good points, how to understand what the audience is looking for, and more. In addition, this activity will have been a great opportunity for the 1st and 2nd year students to meet with their seniors from the BBA program who came to interview them as well.