1. Policy on Male and Female Student Attire
Students should always dress in their uniforms as specified by Chulalongkorn University. Students not wearing the proper uniform will not be allowed in lecture or examination rooms. The student uniform code is as follows:
Male Students
Female Students
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T-Shirts, shorts, sandals and slippers are prohibited. For details refer to the “Chulalongkorn University Regulations, Principles & Announcements”. The following penalties apply for not wearing the proper uniform:
2. Dress Code Violation Penalties
Violation | Behavioral Marks Deducted | Accumulative Marks Deducted | Action Taken |
1st | 5 | 5 | |
2nd | 10 | 15 | |
3rd | 15 | 30 | Parents are requested to meet with the Faculty |
4th | 20 | 50 | 1 semester suspension |
5th | 25 | 75 | 2 semester suspension |
6th | 25 | 100 | Expulsion from C.U. |
1st Year Students
During the first month of summer school, the first violation will result in a verbal warning, probation and notification to advisers and heads of departments. Second violations will result in behavioral marks and appropriate penalties. Following the first month, violations will result in behavioral marks and penalties outlined below.
2nd, 3rd, and 4th Year Students
All violations will result in behavioral marks and penalties as outlined above. Penalties are imposed without warning.
Note: Students who accumulate violation penalties of more than 30 marks will not be considered for the BBA Exchange Program.
3. Class Attendance
On time attendance at class sessions is mandatory. Three late arrivals or missing more than half a class session is considered an absence. Students are responsible for material covered in any lectures missed, including changes in the class schedule or assignments. If attendance is less than 80%, students may not take the final exam and will receive an “F” for the course.
4. Classroom Conduct
To ensure the best learning experience, students must maintain proper classroom conduct. Specifically, students should show respect to the professor, other students and themselves. Behaviors such as late arrival, talking in class, changing seats, leaving the classroom without permission, talking on phones, using laptops and similar during class all disrupt the learning environment.
Students who are late to class should not enter the classroom until the break. In classes with assigned seats, students should always sit in their assigned seat with their name card or be considered absent and not allowed to take course quizzes. Improper class conduct is subject to a grade penalty.
5. Unacceptable Classroom Behavior
BBA students who do not observe regulations and/or regularly disturb or interrupt class sessions will not be allowed to join the Exchange or Study Trip Programs. Repeat violators will be penalized for behavioral misconduct by academic probation, a one or two semester suspension, or expulsion from the University. Unacceptable behavior includes:
1. Violations of the dress code (see University Regulations, Principles & Announcements)
2. Talking, using phones, using laptops, listening to music or creating other disturbances or interruptions in class
3. Being late to class
4. Leaving a class mid-session without permission
5. Signing attendance lists for other students
6. Taking food or drinks into classrooms, library, computer laboratory or other University offices.*
* Note: Because of damage to carpets, food and drinks are no longer allowed in classrooms. If damage continues, the Faculty of Commerce & Accounting may require BBA to schedule classes elsewhere, which will be very inconvenient for students, staff and professors. The BBA faculty requests that all students help each other abide by this policy.
6. Rules of Conduct for Students during Examinations
Unacceptable examination conduct includes (see section 7 below for more details):
a) Possession of notes, phones, storage devices or any unauthorized documents during examinations in the room or elsewhere.
b) Leaving notes or phones in a restroom or other area.
c) Communicating with students in an examination room by signal, wireless, phone, note, voice or other.
d) Looking at exam materials of other students or allowing others to look at their exam materials.
Students should understand the following examination rules:
• When a student cheats or is in suspicion of conducting a “fraudulent act” (see “Academic Misconduct…” below), the supervisory officer has the power to investigate the matter.
• Students more than 15 minutes late but less than 30 minutes late must fill in and sign the permission form for late entrance. Students more than 30 minutes late are not allowed to enter the examination room.
• Supervisory officers are required to have students who use the restroom fill out and sign the permission form. The form is enclosed in the examination envelope for the instructor.
• Students’ non-test related possessions must be placed per the supervisory officers instructions during examinations. All storage and communication devices such as mobile phones, pagers, laptops, music players, etc. must be turned off and placed with the student’s other non-test related possessions. They must not be in the student’s possession at any time, including in restrooms.
• Students may only use simple calculators when such devices are permitted by the instructor. Sharing is never allowed.
• Instructors may ban any item where notes or unauthorized materials may be hidden such as pencil cases, water bottles, hats, jackets, etc. from the examination room.
7. Course Grades and Studying
For students to achieve the best marks possible, they should attend all classes, actively participate in discussions, read assigned materials before class, do their best on homework and presentations and study hard for exams. Upon course completion, you will receive a grade based on your work. Please do not ask BBA Faculty to raise your grade above other students who have worked harder and achieved higher grades.
8. Academic Misconduct - Definitions of & Punitive Actions for Cheating
BBA, the Faculty and Chulalongkorn takes the matter of cheating on any graded work, including examinations, very seriously. Fraudulent behavior or misconduct is any act which inappropriately affects the evaluation of a student's academic performance or achievement. Fraudulent behaviors or misconduct includes:
• Cheating: any attempt to answer questions on a test, quiz or assignment by means other than by your own knowledge.
• Plagiarism: presenting someone else’s work as your own or allowing another student to plagiarize or cheat from your work
• Previously submitted work (multiple uses of the same work): Submitting the same assignment in different courses without consent of the instructor.
• Un-permitted collaboration: working with others without the instructor’s permission, for example on individual assignments.
• Forged attendance: indicating attendance for those not present such as signing other peoples’ names to attendance forms
• Fabrication: using invented or false information or similar
• Unapproved advantages: using advantages not approved by the instructor (e.g., unauthorized review of a copy of an exam ahead of time)
• Sabotage: Preventing or attempting to prevent others from completing their work. This includes disrupting the work or efforts of others.
There are serious consequences to academic misconduct, including receiving an “F” on the work or examination, an “F” in the course and, in the most serious cases, suspension or expulsion from the University. All disciplinary actions become part of the student’s permanent record. BBA encourages students to build self-respect and self-confidence by doing their own work in examinations and all other graded work. Remember, your integrity is more important than your academic record.

1. Course Registration
The university registration procedure is completed only when the student both 1) successfully registers through the internet and; 2) pays the tuition fee. Students who fail to complete the registration or to pay the tuition fee within the first two weeks of the semester will no longer be considered students of BBA or Chulalongkorn University.
For those who have completed the registration procedure but wish to resign or drop must file the relevant documents before the beginning of the semester in order to receive full or partial refund of tuition fees. If curriculum expenses are incurred before the semester starts, a deduction will be made from the refund of tuition fees. There will be no refunds for those who file the documents after the beginning of the semester.
Students are required to ensure that their registration for each course in each semester is correct and complete. Students should double check registration slips (CR 74 – Course Registration Report, CR 52 – List of Registered Students, CR 54 – Individual Registration Report) to verify they are registered for the correct courses. The BBA Office will not be responsible for any registration oversights. Please pay special attention to the three periods (add, drop and withdraw) and their deadline dates.
2. BBA Exchange Program Guidelines
A. Eligibility and Application
The Student Exchange Program is open to all 3rd and 4th year students in good academic standing and who have less than 30 marks in behavioral penalties. The exchange is typically for one semester.
All exchange applications must be processed through the BBA Office prior to the deadline date. Any students not placed can be put on the waiting list for following semesters.
Exchange University selection is made by BBA based on availability and student suitability and achievements. All courses selected by a student must be approved by BBA to receive credit and for course credits to transfer.
1. The first step in applying is to visit the BBA Office for an overview of the requirements, to obtain forms and to review available universities and courses.
2. Submit completed requisition form with required documentation.
3. Attend the Final Selection Session where students will be informed if they have been accepted for exchange.
4. BBA will contact the student / family for final confirmation to participate as well as bank statement form requests. Exchange University forms will be given to the student to complete.
5. Submit to BBA all forms from the above step prior to the deadline.
6. BBA will check and submit the student’s forms to the Exchange University. The Exchange University will send back an acceptance package and documentation to obtain a travel visa.
Note: Students withdrawing from the Exchange Program after being accepted will not be allowed to participate in the future unless their reasons are judged genuine and compelling by BBA.
B. Banning the Exchange Program Study
The students who get deducted 30 or more penalty points will be sanctioned by preventing them from participating in the BBA exchange program.
Students are responsible for delivering to the BBA Office, one complete transcript from the Exchange semester within one month after final exams at the Exchange University. If students want a personal copy, they must obtain one from the Exchange University.
Grades will be recorded as either Satisfactory “S” or Unsatisfactory “U”. Only a grade that is equivalent to a letter grade of “C” or higher will be transferred as an “S” on the Chula transcript. A ”U” grade will not be transferred nor counted for credit. A student receiving a “U” grade must retake the course. Grades earned from the Exchange semester will not be included when calculating GPAX.
Upon returning from the Exchange semester, all students must give a report about their Exchange University. This report allows future Exchange Students to apply to, attend and adapt to their Exchange University.
D. Study Abroad Program with Non-Exchange Partner Universities
Students can also study in universities that are not part of the regular exchange program. The BBA Office can supply information on the application process. (Note that tuition fees for Chula and the University abroad will apply.)
3. Internship Procedures (3rd year students)
Internships are normally in the summer semester (June – July), so there will be no classes for internship students during this period.
• International Business major must complete an internship to graduate.
• Accounting & Finance major students have two options to obtain required elective credits:
• Option 1: Do an internship to meet the elective requirement.
• Option 2: Take an elective course during the Fall semester (4th year)
Students must work a minimum of 240 hours to obtain credit from an internship. Note that many companies have a formal internship program requiring at least two months so students have a more solid work experience.
Students participating in an Exchange Program preventing them from doing the internship during the summer semester (June – July) must arrange to complete the internship during the December- February period before participating in the Exchange.
The Internship Application Process
1. Students should check the BBA Office and bulletin boards for information on internships. Application forms should be obtained at the BBA office.
2. Students have two options when choosing their internship company:
a. Option 1: Contact the company on their own
b. Option 2: Request the BBA Office to help contact the company
3. Students must complete and submit all required documents and information specified on the application form to the BBA Office by the deadline or the internship will be delayed.
4. After receiving the completed internship application form and documents from students, the BBA Office issues an official letter and sends it out with all documents to the relevant companies.
5. Accepted students are given an internship package at the BBA Office, which includes the course outline, weekly journal form, evaluation form and list of topics for doing the internship report before starting work. These must be completed and submitted according to the instructions.
Internship Grading Criterion
Grading of the internship course is based on four documents: (a) Weekly Journal; (b) Evaluation Form; (c) Internship Report (d) PowerPoint Presentation and (e) Timesheet Report by internship. These five items must be submitted together to the BBA Office within one week of completing the internship.
- Weekly Journal: Students must summarize all job assignments on a weekly basis in the weekly journal form. The submitted copy must be signed by the intern’s supervisor.
- Evaluation Form: Should be given to the authorized person at the company (e.g. supervisor, HR manager, etc.) at the beginning of the internship and it is to be delivered to the BBA Office in a stamped and sealed envelope. The submitted copy must be signed by the intern’s supervisor.
- Internship Report: students must submit the BBA supplied internship report. Examples of internship reports are available on request at the BBA Office. The submitted copy must be signed by the intern’s supervisor.
- PowerPoint Presentation: Students are required to give a PowerPoint presentation to course instructors. The presentation should be submitted in both hard and soft copy.
- Timesheet Report: A record of an employee’s work hours.
4. Student Grievance Policy
The BBA International Program Student Grievance Policy is designed to promote honesty in and respect for the education process. This policy is applicable to all students, faculty and staff at BBA.
A BBA International Program student who wishes to file a grievance should first attempt an informal resolution to the issue directly with the student, instructor or staff involved. If informal resolution cannot be reached, the student may use the formal grievance procedure outlined under “Procedures”. There are three types of grievances:
(A) Academic Grievances related: grade disputes; academic dishonesty issues; faculty inaccessibility or unresponsiveness.
(B) Non-Academic Grievances: all other matters, such as schedules, fees, materials, property and similar administrative matters.
(C) Safety and Learning Environment: acts of violence, threat or intimidation; physical or verbal abuse or disruptive behaviors;
Note: It is the philosophy of BBA that the course instructor is the best judge of student performance and BBA administration will not interfere with that judgment. In a grievance involving grades, the administration will determine if the grade was arrived at fairly, i.e. that the same standards were applied to all students in a particular course.
1. Grievances:
A. Academic Grievances: A student wishing to appeal
i. a grade or,
ii. dismissal from BBA because of insufficient academic progress or,
iii. an action involving academic dishonesty, should first attempt an informal resolution directly with the instructor. If the grade/decision involves progress, graduation or dismissal, the student will also arrange to meet with the Director of the program.
B. Non-Academic Grievances: Students wishing to appeal non-academic matters, such as decisions regarding property, scheduling, etc., should first attempt informal resolution by discussion with the faculty or staff involved.
C. Safety & Learning Environment Grievances: A student with these types of grievances should immediately report them to the BBA office / Director. In these cases BBA and the University reserve the right to take action as needed outside the normal procedures.
2. If no solution is reached in Step 1, the student, within 7 working days after failing to reach a resolution by informal resolution, should contact the Director by submitting a written detailed statement of the problem, including a summary of the results of Step 1 and the reason(s) for pursuing a grievance.
3. The Director will gather and consider appropriate information. Should the Director deem it necessary, he/she has the option of convening and chairing a committee (comprised of at least 3 faculty members) to help evaluate the student’s petition. Parties involved in the grievance may be interviewed and pertinent materials gathered and reviewed. The decision at this stage of the grievance will be made by the Director based on the facts that have been gathered.
4. Within ten working days after completing the investigation, the Director will notify the student of the decision.
5. Only after the decision by the BBA Director in step 4 may the decision be appealed. The appeal is to the Dean of the Commerce and Accountancy using this same process, with the grievance being submitted directly to the Dean. The Dean’s decision will be final in all cases.
5. Personal Responsibility
Students should be responsible for their property at all times and should never leave belongings and valuables unattended as loss may result. This applies to classrooms, restrooms, eating locations, lockers and study areas. The best way to prevent loss or theft is to leave valuables at home.
6. Fine on late payment of tuition fees
Please be notified of the penalty on late payment of the tuition fees as follows:
• Payment made during the first week after the commencement of the Fall and Spring semesters will be fined THB 1,000
• Payment made after the first week of after the commencement of the Fall and Spring semesters will be fined THB 2,000
In order to avoid a fine on late payment, students must make the payment before the semester starts according to the stipulated schedules of each semester.